
Hypnotherapy, also known as hypnosis, is a fascinating approach that involves an altered state of awareness and heightened relaxation. Here’s what you can expect when undergoing hypnotherapy: 

Goal Setting: Your session typically begins with setting specific treatment goals. You’ll discuss what you hope to achieve through hypnotherapy. 

Guided Relaxation: The hypnotherapist will guide you into a trance-like state. In this state, you’ll experience heightened focus and concentration, while feeling calm and relaxed. The therapist may use techniques like repetition or visualization to induce this state. 

Suggestion Therapy or Regression Therapy: Once you’re in the relaxed state, the hypnotherapist will provide suggestions to help you achieve your goals. These suggestions can address various aspects, such as pain control, behavior change, or stress reduction

  • Pain Control: Hypnotherapy has been used successfully to manage pain related to burns, cancer, childbirth, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, jaw problems, dental procedures, and headaches. 
  • Behavior Change: It has been effective in treating issues like sleep problems, bed-wetting, smoking cessation, and overeating
  • Hot Flashes: For menopausal women, hypnosis may help ease hot flashes

Safety and Complementary Treatment: Hypnotherapy, when performed by a trained health care provider, is considered safe. It complements other medical treatments and can be used alongside conventional approaches. However, it’s essential to note that it may not be suitable for individuals with severe mental illness. 

What You Don’t Lose: During hypnosis, you remain in control of your behavior. While you’re more open to suggestions, you won’t lose control during the session 

 150 per session   I recommend 2 sessions a month  to see rapid progress and that is all base on induvial need and receptiveness to therapy., 

If you are interested in booking more than 1 session 10 dollars is deducted off each addition session . If you get down to 75 dollars you get a free session  and get to choose one of the mini courses for from list provided